Je poradie génov v mtDNA druhovo špecifické? (S. cariocanus či varianta S. paradoxus)
Authors: |
Dana Szabóová 1
Pavol Sulo 1
1 Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Bratislava, Slovensko |
Year: | 2016 |
Section: | Biotechnology and Food Technology |
Abstract No.: | 1433 |
ISBN: | 978-80-972360-0-7 |
Recently we obtained complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for all Saccharomyces species where the most profound feature is conserved species specific gene order (CSSGO). The exceptions are S. cerevisiae and S. cariocanus (considered as a S. paradoxus variant), with the same gene order, S. paradoxus YPS138 and S. cerevisiae YJM1399 strains. To test CSSGO hypothesis we constructed phylogenetic trees based on alignment of the several concatenated mitochondrial and nuclear protein coding sequences. Branching in both trees correlates well with basic taxonomic classification. S. cariocanus form separate branch placed between S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus clades and therefore they should be assigned as separate species. Due to the different position in mitochondrial and nuclear trees YJM1399 can be considered as a natural cybrid possessing S. cerevisiae nucleus and mtDNA from S. cariocanus. Both trees support the concept of the conserved species specific mtDNA gene order that may have a universal validity.
Keywords: species specific gene order; S. cariocanus; mtDNA; gDNA; phylogenetic tree
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