Početnosť sovy obyčajnej (Strix aluco) vo vzorke inundačného územia Dunaja a jej nároky na biotop

Authors: Ivana Czocherová 1   
1 Prírodovedecká fakulta, UK Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovensko   
Year: 2015
Section: Open section for students
Abstract No.: 1264
ISBN: 978-80-970712-8-8

Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) have a wide ecological valence, which allows them to live in various conditions. Simultaneously, they can be classify as umbrella species. Regular monitoring of such species is necessary for early detection of changes in populations and for setting an optimal management. In the sample of floodplain forests of Podunajsko we discovered the abundance 1,3 male/1 km2. Our findings are similar to the research made 13 years ago. To find out the topical demand of the Tawny Owl, we tested the relative proxy of 10 environmental parameters in the research area and compared these to proxy in zones with the radius 100 m surrounding the hooting spots. Based on information we gained in our study, we identified the following parameters which are crucial for choosing such a stand: the forest type, perimeter of trees, maximum height of E1 and the cover of E3.

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